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Opinion: Xbox Scorpio and Why It Will Fail

Xbox Scorpio has been generating a lot of buzz recently since the specs announcement. Basically, it will be the most powerful console ever and no other gaming machine, including PS4 Pro, comes even close (except for PC, of course). However, Microsoft execs seem to not understand one simple thing that has been the biggest reason for Sony's outright domination of its competitors in the current gen cycle - games are what make or break a console, not the specs.

Sony's The Last of Us
Yes, true 4K gaming would be nice for those of us who can afford a 4K TV and really care, but, truth is, I still can't play a game like Uncharted, Horizon: Zero Dawn, or The Last of Us on Scorpio. Those games are true masterpieces that can only be experienced on Sony's platform. Yes, MS has Forza, but who cares? The answer - only a niche market of racing sim fans. Sony exclusives appeal to a much wider audience and constantly challenge a true gamer not to buy a PS4.  If you are content with playing the subpar ca$h cow franchises like CoD,FIFA, and Assassin's Creed, then you will be okay with whatever choice of console. These games are just as good on Xbox as on PS4. Except now you will be able to experience the new CoD in glorious 4K at 120 fps on Scorpio. But the fact in the matter, it will still be just CoD, so big freaking deal. 
Horizon Zero Dawn
The main reason why I bought Xbox 360 back in the day was Mass Effect, one of the best games ever made. Then I bought a PS3 for Uncharted, MGS and God of War and never looked back. As of right now, I do not see a single reason for someone who owns a PS4 to even consider buying Scorpio. Sony keeps their exclusive AAA lineup fresh and exciting on a consistent basis. Specs for Scorpio are nice, for sure, and I love specs as much as the next guy, but without true AAA masterpieces that are exclusive to MS Platform, I do not see myself buying a Scorpio. 

If Microsoft blows us out of the water with new and exciting IPs at E3, then we'll see. For now, stick to a PS4 and PC for the richest gaming experience.


  1. Great tips!! I currently have a PS4 at home but was planning to try out the X-Box: Scorpio. Now after reading your post, I see that buying an X-Box Scorpio would wasting my money. Better save it for the PS5 - if it ever comes out.


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